Wednesday 24 September 2014

India celebrates as maiden Mars mission reaches orbit

Dawn.COM Dawn Urdu E-Paper DawnNews TV CityFM89 Herald Aurora Events Dawn Relief Dawn News e-paper ECP ‘disowns’ damning post-election report 24 September, 2014 / Ziqa'ad 28, 1435 Home Latest Pakistan Opinion World Sport Business Magazine Entertainment Blogs Multimedia Newspaper In Depth Archive South Asia Middle East India celebrates as maiden Mars mission reaches orbit By Agencies Updated about 3 hours ago In this Nov. 5, 2013, file photo, a rocket carrying the Mars orbiter takes off from the east-coast island of Sriharikota, India. — Photo by AP NEW DELHI: India's Mars Orbiter Mission on Wednesday successfully entered orbit around the Red Planet on its first attempt, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced. “India has successfully reached Mars. Congratulations to all, to the entire country... history has been created today,” Modi said from the Indian Space Research Organisation's mission control in south India from where the mission was televised live nationwide. The success of the mission— named Mangalyaan (Mars-craft) — after its 10-month journey was touted by Modi as a showcase for the country's home-grown and low-cost space technology. “I have said it in the past too, the amount our scientists have spent on this mission is even less than what they spend in making Hollywood movies,” he said in his televised addressed to the mission scientists. At just $74 million, the mission is less than the estimated $100 million budget of the sci-fi blockbuster Gravity. Read more: India hails rocket 'cheaper than Hollywood film Gravity' India's successful mission to the Red Planet sees it join an elite club that includes United States, Russia and Europe. The mission plans to study the planet's surface and scan its atmosphere for methane, which could provide evidence of some sort of life form. The probe is expected to circle Mars for six months, about 500 kilometres (310 miles) from its surface. Its scientific instruments will collect data and send it back to Earth. “We have prevailed, not everyone gets success in their missions... we got it in our very first attempt. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) put out this spacecraft in a record time of only three years, every Indian is proud of you,” Modi said. Experts say the mission's main aim is to showcase India's budget space technology and hopefully snatch a bigger share of the $300-billion global space market. The mission's cost is just a fraction of NASA's MAVEN spacecraft which successfully began orbiting the fourth planet from the sun on Sunday. India has so far launched 40 satellites for foreign nations, since kickstarting its space programme five decades ago. But China launches bigger satellites. Critics of the programme say a country that struggles to feed its people adequately and where roughly half have no toilets should not be splurging on space travel. Mars missions: Successes and failures Getting a spacecraft to orbit Mars is a complex mission that few countries have attempted, and even fewer have achieved. The former Soviet Union made the world's first attempt in 1960, but the satellite didn't get far from Earth. The United States had the first successful mission four years later, when a flyby satellite, Mariner 4, beamed 21 images of the red planet's surface back to Earth. Since then, more than half of the 41 attempts have failed for myriad reasons including rocket malfunction, radio failure, fuel troubles and missed landings. Here is a breakdown of successful and failed attempts: US: 15 successful attempts, 4 failures USSR: 2 successful attempts, 14 failures Russia: 2 failures European Space Agency: 1 success Japan: 1 failure India: 1 success (Source: NASA) 212 Comments Email Print Do you have information you wish to share with You can email our News Desk to share news tips, reports and general feedback. 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Let whole humanity have benefits from this. Rahul Kumar about 4 hours ago Well done. Keep it up! SP about 4 hours ago A flawless mission executed by ISRO. In spite of what the detractors say this mission was worth it just for the soft power shot in the arm that India will receive from this mission. In real terms, ISROs commercial operations may see a jump in earnings because of this mission's success. Thus, offsetting the cost of the mission and the space program. Syed about 4 hours ago WOOOOOOWWWWW !!!!! Syed about 4 hours ago India is doing what futuristic countries do. Indian Muslim about 4 hours ago Hindustan has proved that, they are second to none. It's an proud moment for all Hindustanis as well as for entire Sub continent and Asians. Million thanks to ISRO and Hindustani leadership who supported this Mangalyan Mission. Proud to be an Hindustani. Jai Hind. Afsal about 4 hours ago Learning moment for us. . . Congratulation Indian for such achievement. whats in the name about 4 hours ago Many Congratulations...... we expect more of you. Ismail about 4 hours ago Well done India!! Rahul Sharma about 4 hours ago Congratulations to India. You have made all our south Asians brothers and sisters proud ! Kalyan about 4 hours ago Congratulations to the scientists. The world needs more such positive news. iTellYou about 4 hours ago Congrats to India and the scientists for a successful demonstration of technology and know-how. singh@18 about 4 hours ago Great day for India. The morning brought the dawn of a new era. India becomes the first country to successfully send its spacecraft into Mars orbit in its first attempt and that too on a shoe string budget. The PM was there with the scientists of ISRO to witness history being made. In country where one is hard pressed to find a success story, it is heartening to see that at least our scientists are toiling hard. Take a bow, my brothers and sisters at ISRO. This success means a lot. Will go a long way in establishing brand equity of the "made in India " product. prashant about 4 hours ago @Mahmood Thanks Mahmood Bhai. Instead of killing each other, we could beat the world if we put our strength and brain at positive goals like this.Events like this really pull up the morale of the nation. ARJUN about 4 hours ago Congrats to ISRO and India. Proves that any nation, , not just rich ones, can aspire to success in space. FA about 4 hours ago Congratulation!. While India, despite its own corruption, is progressing , we are still busy in sit-ins and sorting out election results. Even if there was some corruption in elections, as in Indian elections also, there is a time to move on for the betterment of Nation and try to improve it in future. These issues should be resolved inside the Parliament and not outside the Parliament. about 4 hours ago This is a proud moment for all Asians especially those from the Indian subcontinent. Instead of figtingwith each other to the delight of the foreigners we should all join and develop our subcontinent. Sudarshan about 4 hours ago Well done ISRO you have done country proud again Veeresh about 4 hours ago Very happy to see comments congratulating India. I hope to see the day when we progress together leaving the past behind... Congratulations to all of us. Simran Kaur about 4 hours ago Very very proud to be an Indian Sikh girl, especially when the budget for mission was mere 10% of the cost of the MAVEN mission to Mars by USA. Out of 51 missions by all space agencies to the Mars so far, 30 missions have failed and only 21 were successful. Dipesh about 4 hours ago Great achievement in a very first attempt. Congrats..... R S Tirki about 4 hours ago As an Indian i must honestly say most Indian newspaper is owned by corporates and they cut corners,it seems in Pakistan corporate still have less control in news business than that of India. Dawn is really remarkable,and driven by the passion of investigative journalism. Manhas about 4 hours ago Buraaaaa A great day for India. With all odds ISRO done it again B R chawla about 4 hours ago Bravo well done. Do it for peace and forvall humanity javed about 4 hours ago well done india only country in world who success in its first attempt to concure mars Raja Hindustani about 4 hours ago Congrats ISRO :) n feling proud to be Indian and ofcourse Asian :) Anil Nair about 4 hours ago as an Indian reader who regularly reads Dawn to learn about Pakistan and who believes in learning about the other perspective. I see the success of this mission ans not only an Indian achievement, but an achievement for Humanity and for science. addressing my Pakistani friends here ( I do hope you aalso consider me your friend =] ) what I hope in the future, if nothingelse is that Pakistani and Indian scientists can collaborate and learn and develop. Pakistani scientists just need nurture, you guys lack no talent, are intelligent. Abdus Salam is one of my heroes. Given the encouragement, nurture and exposure there can be another Abdus Salam. And if India can nurture more of it's scientists it can produce another C.V. Raman. Thank you for the congratulations :) From an Indian who wishes the nation of Pakistan all the best Rahul Sharma about 4 hours ago India becomes the first nation to arrive in Mars' orbit on its first attempt and the first Asian country to reach the Red Planet. Congratulations ISRO and India. You make all south Asians proud ! MastMaulaMeradesh about 4 hours ago Hope for humanity, progress for mankind, advancement of Asia and my India a shining star... Many Congratulations to fellow Asians Rashed Chughtai about 4 hours ago Well Done team at ISRO and congratulations to Indian people and the government. If only peace returns to this region and we can learn to live together with all the differences, we can be super powers in every field. We can easily eradicate poverty and make a model society. Well done once again. Anil Nair about 4 hours ago To add, I hope all our South Asian brothers and sisters will celebrate this moment too. Ahmed USA about 4 hours ago Poverty stricken population of India had no reason to celebrate...when their kids look up in the sky...they are not looking for Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM)...rather they are waiting for their own moms who would came late every night after a tiring day to bring little food on the table...same is the situation in Pakistan...third world nations should start thinking straight and should reset their priorities...because food does not grow on mars... Kartik about 4 hours ago Congratulations to India and entire South Asia. I wish our south Asian neighbors join hands in prosperity for tomorrow and achieve success jointly as well. Tamza about 4 hours ago CONGRATULATIONS. I wish the best scientific outcomes; and perhaps we can soon find out how to build a permanent base on Mars as a via-point for deeper soace travel, exploration, and settlement. The cost of $74M is impressive; based solely on overcharging by US conteactors, snd 10x US salaries, one would exPect the US to have spent about $1B, but i am sure it was a LOT more. swesh about 4 hours ago I wish next two mission also get sucessful so that india can work on man mission to moon Kartik about 4 hours ago Congrats India!!! I wish Pakistan join hands so both countries collaborate together to acomplish future missions. Sanjeev about 4 hours ago This is an achievement not just for India, but collectively for Asia. Imagine what we can achieve if we join our hands together! Rajesh about 4 hours ago Flag on the Moon.... Now orbiter around Mars.... India scientists rock... proud to be Indian..... Esther about 4 hours ago A marvelous achievement. Anup about 4 hours ago Congrats India ....first Asian country to do this Sachin Dhawan about 4 hours ago This shows that if how capable our Indian scientists are...If there would have been no budget constraints or the scientists gets enough money to explore things, they can do wonders... Sudhakar about 4 hours ago Heartfelt congratulations to ISRO. Made the nation proud today. Wish to see China and Pakistan become equal partners with India in this area (on the lines of ESA) and beat all the western nations at their own game. Alok about 4 hours ago Feeling proud to be an Indian. Big day for all of us. Hope to see India hub for space exploration in future. Shahryar Shirazi about 4 hours ago This is an extremely complex and great achievement. Congrats to Indians. I hope we in Pakistan get to the right path too Saty about 4 hours ago Congratulations to the ISRO scientists and all of us are proud of you !! Dear Pakistani brothers, thanks for all the kind and encouraging words on this comments section. I hope mutual co-operation, brotherhood, peace and prosperity prevails in the region soon. Much appreciated !! Truth Hurts about 4 hours ago Next Mission Impossible : clean drinking water and a toilet for every Indian kartz about 4 hours ago @Mahmood Good thought Mahmood. Maikalal Jaykishan about 4 hours ago Congratulation to Asia as we have achieved this feat at lowest cost and time, its time to congratulate all of us. Proud to be a Indian and also a Asian. Bonnie about 4 hours ago Awesome kartz about 4 hours ago @Afsal - Thank you Afsal brother. You country can achieve it too. All the best for your country. kartz about 4 hours ago @Shahryar Shirazi Thank you brother. All the best for your country. You guys can join us soon. Mahavir Singh about 4 hours ago Congrats ISRO. We proud of you. uxman Masood about 4 hours ago Congratulations India for the great success , Dr Mansoor Qasim about 4 hours ago I extend my hearty congratulations to ISRO in particular and the government and people of India in general. It is a great achievement. India is our immediate neighbour and we share common history,culture and languages.In the long run this tremendous achievement of India will benefit all of us.We must be proud of our neighbour's. Devil about 4 hours ago Three Cheers !!! Proud moment for us !! Hurrey !! Indian about 4 hours ago Pakistani should use its potentials for developments like this. Bharat Kumar Jaiswal about 4 hours ago Congrats to India. REDDY about 4 hours ago Great to see all the positive comments....Hope to expect the same from my fellow Indians when Pakistan deserves it.....Well done readers. GOPI about 4 hours ago We, Indian and Brothers of Indian (Pakistanis) should move forward and bring collaboration in space even though little possible in earth. Feroz about 4 hours ago It is a landmark occasion for the Indian Space Research Organization and will hopefully kindle interest among children to pursue a career in Science. With this India become the first country in the World to put a Spacecraft into Martian orbit on the very first attempt. India also becomes the first Asian nation to do so beating both the Japanese and Chinese in the race to Mars. That the achievement came on a shoestring budget of $ 74 million, has left the world in awe. A total distance of 650 million kilometers was traveled over nine months and today after a long journey, the spacecraft was successfully put into Martian orbit. India must continue its efforts to push the frontiers of cutting edge Technologies so that the spinoffs of these Scientific developments can help pull a large section of the population out of poverty. It is also the only way to narrow the gap between the developing and developed countries. Congratulations to the dedicated Scientists who made the achievement possible ! Rajesh about 4 hours ago India doing something which Japan and China failed... Fantastic.... never thought I would see this day in my lifetime... thanks VERY VERY much ISRO... vishal bhatia about 4 hours ago well done india, u have done it. make sure this achievement benifits the entire region along with india. we r proud of our scientists nd pm modi as well. kuldeep singh about 4 hours ago Well done....... Tecnological leap by a future global power...... rw about 4 hours ago This is the way forward. Congratulations India you make us proud. Aurora about 4 hours ago A great achivement by Indian Space Research Organisation . Proud moment for Asia too.Success has opened new horizons of challenges for ISRO to be resolved for betterment of humanity. about 4 hours ago Feeling proud as an Indian. But also feeling great as a citizen of the world. It's heartening to see that this is being celebrated not just in India but even by our brothers on the other side of the border who have joined our celebrations. The success shows that it's not just the super-rich countries but even developing countries can aspire and touch the heavens. As an Indian, I hope that our space programs benefit the entire sub-continent and not just India. If politics, extremism, needless bickering and weapon brandishing could be done away, we could jointly achieve so much. kuldeep singh about 4 hours ago Well done....... Tecnological leap by a future global power...... kuldeep singh about 4 hours ago Well done....... Tecnological leap by a future global power...... Raz about 4 hours ago Sub Continent countries are really very intelligent and strong.. I wish to see all of them prosper and rule the world together as Sub Continent.... kuldeep singh about 4 hours ago Well done....... Tecnological leap by a future global power...... amit about 4 hours ago "Critics of the programme say a country that struggles to feed its people adequately and where roughly half have no toilets should not be splurging on space travel." these critics are jealous. hindu about 4 hours ago @Truth Hurts grapes are sour shree about 4 hours ago @Akbaruddin you mean congratulations Rafi Ka Deewana about 4 hours ago No match fixing here! A true achievement. pranav about 4 hours ago i wld like to wait for our pakistani brothers to compete in this field so that we set a new trend in being the pioneers of world science and technology pranav about 4 hours ago i wld like to wait for our pakistani brothers to compete in this field so that we set a new trend in being the pioneers of world science and technology zeeshan about 4 hours ago Many Many Congratulations to India & Indian scientists. There are great amount of things to be learned from India by the world. Harsha about 3 hours ago Congratulations to the common man of south asia. Let our scientists from these giant nations i.e., India and Pakiastan join hands together for such an impossible tasks in the future. why do we waste our money unncecessarily on nuclear weapons. Let's start a new era of brotherhood. Let the leaders from both the countries think and act like the common man from these two nations and do more miracles combinedly. It's nice to read comments from our Pakistani brothers who whole heartedly are wishing our Mars Mission success. Who said Pakistan people hate India or Indian people hate Pakistan. Let the Almighty pour the blessings on these two countries and make them to live together by breaking the walls of separation and hatredness. Anup about 3 hours ago Thanks Dawn for this news and great job by Indian scientist community. Raj about 3 hours ago @Mahmood Well said! Let's also compete in areas like poverty alleviation, polio eradication, employment generation. sampath about 3 hours ago Congratulations to ISRO scientists. May the poor of our country benefit from this space technology with better health care and superior literacy for all. swesh about 3 hours ago @Shahryar Shirazi pak india china should collleborate to joint reaserch as america and russia doing irrespective of rivelary Afghan Maihan about 3 hours ago Congratulations to India and all Indians. Let this achievement be an example to all Asian countries to aim high through higher learning. A Dari proverb says "joyenda yabenda", which roughly translates into seekers discover or find. Keep on seeking and spread the knowledge to neighboring states. naz about 3 hours ago CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! NEXT MISSION FOR NDIA IS TO PROVIDE CLEAN WATER AND TOILETS FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!! amit about 3 hours ago @Truth Hurts we will achieve it...very noble mission isn't? Mahesh about 3 hours ago India becomes first nation to have successful Mars mission in maiden attempt. Rahim Imtiaz Gill about 3 hours ago congrats to our Desi brothers and sisters, Mother Hind is proud of all her children today. Jaya Hind. NASAH (USA) about 3 hours ago Three cheers for India's Mars achievement. azeem mohammed about 3 hours ago CONGRATULATIONS..proud to be a INDIAN......Jai ho... Aamir about 3 hours ago Really a matter of proud for whole Indian Nation. Well done. We should compete in this way with India. Vivek M about 3 hours ago No surprise. Indians has been flooded here...:) Great great victory..! In one sentence - "This is how nation builds". Sam about 3 hours ago congratulations on this great success. Please don't take me wrong but in India there are huge amount of people living below poverty line and lacking basic facilities of life, many areas don't even get electricity supply etc so is there any rational for this luxury ? but again i say its a great achievement in its own kind. Well done indian about 3 hours ago Thank you DAWN and Thank you very much to all Pakistani Kartik about 3 hours ago @SAM, I am sure you are living in the US of A... so have you noticed whether poors and deprived live in that country too? If yes.. then why do you think they are'nt stopping their space mission and get rid of their poverty 100% instead?? bilal about 3 hours ago Thank you India, now Pakistani establishment will also start some space research instead of Missile programs. jeetendra singh about 3 hours ago We south Asians especially india and Pakistan are full and excel at hard work and intellect compared to other countries ..... but therefore maybe other countries try to belittle our achievements or make us fight to keep us backward . vin about 3 hours ago I felt immensely glad to see all comments which are positive. I thank all Pakistani brethren for all well wishes and also dawn for this as it has through years of transparent articles provided a bridge of understanding and love for people on both sides. indian about 3 hours ago Thank You DAWN and Thank you to all Pakistani brothers who congrats us. Realy it is proud movement for all the people of South Asia. ahmed hasan about 3 hours ago Salue to India.. great job! Ahmad about 3 hours ago What China and Japan could not achieve.. India has achieved.. a lot of achievements.. 1st country in the world to reach mars on maiden attempt.. 3rd country in the world to reach moon behind US and Russia... ISRO is the 4th organization to reach mars behind NASA, Russian Federal Space Agency, ESA. It may help India to get more contracts and create more jobs in the economy. Already they have one of the major forces in outsourced satellite launch industry with launch of more than 10 country(Swiss, Belgium, Singapore, etc...) satellites. Indian economy may grow faster with more business in this sector. More people out of poverty and more DTH channels to the common man :-). Abhishek Bundela about 3 hours ago Mangal pay Bharat Bhaari hai, Ab Chaand pay kadam rakhney ki taiyaari hai.... Gaurav Arya about 3 hours ago @Ahmed USA …Sir, now that we are there, lets try and grow some food in Mars. Yogesh about 3 hours ago I started crying as soon as I read this news.. thank u make ur proud all d time. . Shamsher singh bajwa about 3 hours ago Thank you neighbors for the wonderful comments! I hope India and Pakistan would compete in these fields instead of Nuclear arms race! Syed about 3 hours ago Congrats from Pakistan. You did it! Raj about 3 hours ago Hi, Thanks for Dawn to give coverage for this news. As an Indian, I am so proud that we did it in first attempt. And it is lowest cost mission so far. Total expenses is far less than a hollywood movie. India is 4th country to achive it, first country to do it in first attempt and first asian country to do it successfully. India is space superpower now. Thanks to Indian scientists. Syed about 3 hours ago @Ahmed USA - i am a pakistani and must say you are jealous. Have a heart and admit they did it. kanika about 3 hours ago It is really heartening to see our pakistani fellows congratulating us whereas on the other hand westerners our busy bashing india for even trying to attempt it in the first place...thank you so much for your support Pakistan..i hope that the south aisan countries work together for success n show all these so called developed countries that too are capable wishes to Pakistan Love to Pakistan India Suresh about 3 hours ago The name of the planet Mars in Sanskrit is "Mangal" and it means being "auspicious" or simply "well" or "good". The occasion is not just a scientific, but a milestone in spiritual journey Indians have taken last 5,000 years. Planets are part and parcel of Indians daily spiritual life and astrology as a science is crafted by many Indian scientists such as Aryabhat. Let this occasion may bring, as the name of the planet suggest, "well being" to the whole world. Bashir about 3 hours ago @Truth Hurts Sure...this project is in progress.... Raj about 3 hours ago Thanks to all pakistan people who congratulated India. Thank you. jagan about 3 hours ago Next, SAARC Satellite. Ahmed USA about 3 hours ago @Syed that is why you wrote Pakistan with small letters... :) probably mature thinking is not your first priority... Zoab Khan about 3 hours ago Lets see if Sharif family can find a business deal again. GoNawazGo Jatinder about 3 hours ago Thanks ISRO for making us proud. Thanks all Pakistani brothers and sisters for congratulating . The day is not far when both countries will join hands in hands and solve the common problems. We sure can do it rather sooner than later. Bahadur about 3 hours ago Congratulations to Indian Scientists for making us Proud of you all! Yes. our mission next, has already started. Toilets and clean drinking water for all Indians. Have no doubts, We will accomplish that also very soon. SKB-535 about 3 hours ago @Mahmood Why compete? why can't collaborate to go even higher... javed about 3 hours ago @naz yes naaz that are also in progress might be in one years india will achive there goal Prasanna Bhat about 3 hours ago I am very happy to see amazing support from Pakistani people. Thanks to all Pakistani's on behalf of Indians. Humanity is most important. Let us achieve great things together. jitendra yadav about 3 hours ago Yes indeed this is success of south asia and SARC nations. Bharat about 3 hours ago I am feeling very proud today. Again our ISRO scientist proved greatest. No China, No Japan and No russia.... ISRO is great now. many many congratulations !!! Now we are awaiting for SAARC Satellite. Nom about 3 hours ago Great job guys! Congratulations from Lahore.. Reveller about 3 hours ago Proud moment, just running short of words right now. I almost choked up watching India TV channels here in Korea, when the news flashed "Mars mission successful". Tears of joy started streaming down my face. Just can't express it in words. Now we should advertise for our cheapest and the most credible satellite launching pads so that we can attract foreign parties to use our vehicles. Generate revenue, generate jobs !! Sincere thanks to ISRO scientists. Shiv about 3 hours ago It's really a pleasure to see so many Pakistanis congratulating India on it's success. We Indians need to note this mature behaviour and respond similarly when we come across Pakistanis/Pakistan achieving something. Anil about 3 hours ago @vishal bhatia the benefits should accrue to mankind and more particularly to the sub continent samarth about 3 hours ago @Afsal salute to every pakistani bhai who suppots us on this triumph ..... Saba about 3 hours ago This is amazing, for the very first time....I am reading such positive and brotherly comments from both nations ( India and Pakistan), its good to realize that only peace is the possible way to progress and success. between congratulation India !!! Shamsher singh bajwa about 3 hours ago As far as building toilets is concerned, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swach Bharat scheme aims to eliminate open defecation by constructing toilets in every household by 2019. ROBIN- New Delhi about 3 hours ago Thank you all Pakistani friends, yes its a proud moment for us, i got up very early today morning to watch the latest coverage, iam sure this achievement will bring good results in future for all mankind, a very happy day for India....... Pakistani about 3 hours ago "Critics of the programme say a country that struggles to feed its people adequately and where roughly half have no toilets should not be splurging on space travel." "Critics": who are more concerned with pooty and toilets, than science and development. Hope about 3 hours ago @Ahmed USA When their kids look up in the sky they see hope. Hope to come out from poverty and hope to fly high. Ruchika S about 3 hours ago It's a proud moment for India as well to every South Asian citizen. It's high time that Pakistan should praise India's success with open heart. Many many congratulations to ISRO team and every Indian on this "Mangalmayee" success. We just hope that this "Mngal" success brings peace in Indian subcontinent. Sohail about 3 hours ago Well done India, Now will you hand over Kashmir to us, please.. lol. Frederic about 3 hours ago Congrats India!!! Let us use technology and science for peace!!! Let us explore the creates of our God!!! Kamlesh about 3 hours ago Even from the economics point of view, this is excellent for India. In 2013, Satellite Industry revenue was $195.2 billion. For comparison, Pakistan GDP in 2013 was $236.6 billion. There can be no better way to advertise ISRO and India as a reliable, high tech and low cost player in lucrative Satellite Industry, than a success in its maiden mission to Mars, which is world record. $74 million spent on this mission, even if taken as marketing expense, is money well spent. This will go a long way in bringing substantial revenue for ISRO and India, especially after the launch of GSLV-MK III, later this year. Amarnath about 3 hours ago 4th country to achieve this feat. 1st country to acheive this feat in the 1st attempt. Budget, lesser than the budget of hollywood movie "Gravity" Ahmad about 2 hours ago @Hope It is always hope which takes country forward. You cannot distribute all of the country's money in expenditure you have to make investments to the future generation and this is an investment. Mortaza about 2 hours ago Congratulations India!!!! This is one area where SAARC countries can collaborate more.... kaloop about 2 hours ago @Akbaruddin - write proper English :) Nihal about 2 hours ago @Pakistani Very true. those critics forget that the achievement has been made by the people who were poor. The scientists know at what budget they had to reach Mars. Its less than the budget of a Hollywood movie!! roarwali about 2 hours ago With heart and passion, anything is possible. Congts to all Indians on this remarkable achievement Rahul about 2 hours ago @Mahmood ,Very nice saying mahmood,we should complete in the area of development . parag about 2 hours ago Well done ISRO, it's fantastic achievement. All now await India's manned space mission! The government must support ISRO financially. Ethicalglobalcitizen about 2 hours ago @Akbaruddin what conversations?? are you trying to congrats? pankaj about 2 hours ago @Ahmed USA one day food will grow on mars Sohail about 2 hours ago India walo, ab to Kashmir hume de do yaar. Ab to tum mars par pahunch gaye ho !! Sumant about 2 hours ago Thanks and also congratulations to all Pakistani friends,its an achievement of subcontinent. Mishra,India Ahmed USA about 2 hours ago Please leave Akbaruddin alone is just an error on his part...probably he meant not expect a reply from him... :) Saad about 2 hours ago Congratulations from Pakistan. Ravi Dallas TX about 2 hours ago This is proud moment. Thanks for all Pakistani brothers and sisters for their wishes here. I am more impressed by two facts. the narrow route scientis found which they say is not known to many. Second is the cost. Just a mere $75 mil. That is awesome awesome. Proud moment indeed. At my work place here in US , Indians are already regarded as smart people. But tomorrow would be to feel even more proud. Vinod about 2 hours ago All mankind will have benefits from this achievement. Yasir Khan about 2 hours ago Good stuff India. Keep it up! Ajay about 2 hours ago Classic case of even a poor country can achieve success through dedication and commitment. Australian media last month continuously referred to how ISRO used bicycles and bullock carts to move rocket launch equipment 25 years ago. pankaj about 2 hours ago Happy to see many positive comments from Pakistani friends. These comments shows that south asia still have some hope. I think this success belongs to entire south asian region. Anil Nair about 2 hours ago I noticed a lot of pakistanis congratulating India. It is truly humbling you guys :') Indians should take note of this mature response and in future endeavor to do the same. M. Salman Nazar about 2 hours ago CONGRATS INDIA!!! anshul about 2 hours ago congrats ISRO congrats INDIA. still Many many miles to go we are hopeful we are confident. Jai ho. Manoj Kumar about 2 hours ago Its success for south Asia , India is good example > you can manage big country , many states , many differences and languages still they deliver ! Hope we all learn from this and ensure , we do more than petty fights. Shiva Jangid about 2 hours ago Thanks for your wishes Cross border sisters nd Brothers. #Proud2beAindian #ISRO Anand about 2 hours ago These projects and nuclear bomb are of no use in a country where millions still live in Slums and below poverty levels. Shame on our government for spending Billions on this. In the other countries mentioned, ordinary people have access to safe drinking water and education. Yet most of my fellow Indians here are feeling proud ? IK about 2 hours ago India super power hogi nahi, hogayee hai- IK Amit about 2 hours ago @Ahmed USA There are many homeless in USA and USA spending billions on NSA, how do you justify it? jitender about 2 hours ago thanks to all pakistani brothers , let come together and don't fight we can make changes , as it is done only to devlopments of human needs , we can solve all our basic need problems by this.we wish for pakistan to do the same. there is nothing in fighting beacuse poverty and devlopment is our main motive to be solved. Ambadas about 2 hours ago @Dr Mansoor Qasim - I really proud of your comment Pawanvir Singh about 2 hours ago @Mahmood No competition friend. but let everyone benefit from it. Arup about 2 hours ago @Ahmed USA : you worry, we will celebrate. Parag about 2 hours ago @Aziz Absolutely! The knowledge and technology here should be used for all the people in S Asia and beyond. Thiru about 2 hours ago @Indian Muslim May we always live in peace and harmony for the betterment of our nation. Prasad about 2 hours ago Thanks every one for your support to India. I wondered no negative comment here. This type of environment we really needed in the future to strengthen both of our country s. breznev about 2 hours ago Over the moon N. about 2 hours ago @Indian Muslim Well said ! The credit also goes to the governments who supported ISRO since 1962. Ali about 2 hours ago Congrats India However, this money could have been used to feed one of world's largest poverty stricken community in India. Shash about 2 hours ago CONFIDENCE AND HOPE TO ALL SOUTH ASIANS... This mission success shows that we are not inferior to any one ( EU, Japan,US ). We can do what we want! Abhishek about 2 hours ago CONGRATULATIONS kartz about 2 hours ago @Aziz Thank you Aziz brother for writing a wonderful comment. Shash about 2 hours ago @Sam Modi is aiming for food for all and Toilet for all..Hope to achieve that critical mission also thotatum25 about 2 hours ago @naz That we have to learn from Pakistan which has solved these problems! ProudtobeanINDIAN about an hour ago Proud MOMent... as PM Modi said "Mars got MOM today" ... kartz about an hour ago @Nom Thank you Nom Brother. - Brother from Chennai, India India_Pak_Bhai about an hour ago If India test nuclear, Pakistan also imitate. Lets see when Pakistan will try the mars mission :) Ramesh about an hour ago @Mahmood no compete rather complete, from India.... it is win for Indian subcontinent... Parvez about an hour ago Well done ISRO sanjay mittal about an hour ago @Feroz Very well said! AH about an hour ago wow that's really great India! sri about an hour ago To be true, I was waiting for this day to see this news in Dawn. Today I landed to this page to see some jealous Pakistanis comment. But except one or two, many people applaud this one. After seeing these comments I lost all the hatred feelings for Pakistan. I understood, all the Indian subcontinent people are people with dignity , humanitarian and respect the achievements. Thank you Pakistanis, we should not run behind emotions, if we get to know each other well, none can do anything. Indian subcontinent brains are the best brains in the world, lets channel towards growth of all human race. Girish about an hour ago This is indeed a very proud moment for India and South Asia. India is planning a 'south-asian' satellite too ! Moiz Omar about an hour ago Congrats to India on this great achievement. As a Pakistani, I hope one day Pakistan will also do such a thing. jay`1980 about an hour ago @naz we are out sourcing toilet cleaning jobs are u interested ? A shah about an hour ago Thanks India, you have made Asia proud. A shah about an hour ago You have left China behind! Abu Abdullah Ansari about an hour ago I WISH IF COULD UTILIZE THAT HUGE MONEY SPENT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CENTURIES OLD INFRASTRUCTURE. raja hindustani 43 minutes ago Proud moment for all Indians. Thank you dawn & all pakistani brothers for your nice & positive comments. Remember, science has no country, no religion. Its for whole mankind. I hope this achievement of ISRO help not only india but whole world. John F 41 minutes ago Congratulations India, from Australia. Well done Indian scientists and engineers. You have made all of Asia proud. Raj 39 minutes ago Well Done ISRO, Proud moment for us!!!! I am sure Pakistan can also do such things in future corruption is the big issue in Pakistan and this is also biggest issue in India, but people of Pakistan also need to contribute in development as Indians doing, all politicians are corrupt no matter which party they belong, but we need to keep faith in the democracy and do our best to build nation. RKT 36 minutes ago Congrats to the our great scientists and technologists who made us all proud. We as Indians are also thankful to our visionary leaders who are trying to infuse nationalism and love for motherland. JAI BHARAT MATA KI JAI. Ravi 35 minutes ago First thanks to all my pakistani brothers and sister's this is party tym for all of us now it's our tym to show world Asia power Jai Hind Prashant 34 minutes ago Lots of love to Pakistan. Very heartening to see congratulations pouring in from across the border! Today's achievement makes me a proud Indian! Anil Tiwari 33 minutes ago India has reached Mars and no other planet is now far away for ISRO. Congratulations. Haroon 32 minutes ago @Ahmed USA - what about sports, movies and fine arts. Why shud poor countries even engage in them? Tamilselvan 31 minutes ago @Mahmood Maybe cooperate suresh 31 minutes ago @Rashed Chughtai You are so right Rashed, and I hope and pray your words come true. Indian 27 minutes ago @Ahmed USA Sympathy you can get anytime while jealously you have to earn. Unnikrishnan 21 minutes ago @Syed Dear Syed, Thanks. Together we can go ahead....The entire asia should be proud of it Poll Do you think Times of India should issue an apology to Deepika Padukone over an unwarranted piece of reportage? YesNo Vote Top Reads Today War on minorities ECP report: lessons learned or a damning indictment? Imams, beauticians to help motivate mothers to breastfeed infants Tribal women bear the brunt of military operation in North Waziristan Tribal women bear the brunt of military operation in North Waziristan Women at Pakistan Awami Tehreek sit-in eager to go home Dawn News Dawn News Top 10 Authors Malik Asad Asim Khan Zinnia Bukhari Irfan Haider Fasi Zaka Nadeem F. Paracha Zahir Shah Sherazi Khawar Ghumman Baqir Sajjad Syed Khaleeq Kiani Over last 7 days Dawn News Copyright © 2014 The DAWN MEDIA GROUP is not responsible for the content of external sites. 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